It’s been almost a year since I last touched this site, which means it worked.

Last year at this time I was looking for new opportunities. I was and am still running my design practice, but I was in a lull. Work was slowing, I was getting concerned with finances and was just looking to do something else for a while to rest mentally from all that goes into running a single person business.

Well it worked. In the past 10 months I’d joined a company, learned a whole lot about an industry I had never experienced and worked with a great group of talented developers. I was pretty heads down working though.

Today I’m getting back into mentoring and I couldn’t be more excited about it. I’ve joined to mentor students participating in their UX Design Apprenticeship.

It’s a very thorough UX course that really aligns with ideas I’m had about modern education for a while now and I’m really looking forward to mentoring again.

If you are interested in learning either UX Design, iOS/Android Development, Frontend Web Development, or Become a Full Stack Web Developer the link below with save you $100